Town of Haverhill, New Hampshire


Select Board Meetings

NOTICE about Select Board Zoom:
In an effort to tighten up security over the virtual Zoom option during Select Board meetings the Town has transitioned from "Meetings" to "Webinars" in Zoom.
Attendees will see little difference when logging in, however, attendees will not have the option to control their own audio or video settings. Attendees will only be able to listen and watch the meeting.
Only attendees who enter their first and last name will be recognized in the minutes as having been in attendance; so please make sure you enter your first and last name in Zoom.
We hope that these changes allow for a smoother, less disruptive experience for the Select Board and for attendees who are logged in to actually attend the meeting and not to disrupt the meeting.
Thank you for your patience, support, and interest in your local town government.
Official Website of Haverhill, NH, 2975 Dartmouth College Hwy, No. Haverhill, NH 03774 603-787-6800
Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved.