Highway Department
Road Agent: Vacant
Asst Road Agent: Mark Nickles
Highway Crew: Gene "Skip" Gadwah, Cody Thompson, and Vacant
Phone at Highway Garage: 603-787-6107 Email: highway@haverhill-nh.com
The Highway Department Garage is located at:
349 Airport Road, North Haverhill, NH 03774
The Haverhill Highway Department is responsible for the maintenance of the approximately 68 miles of town maintained roadway infrastructure. Maintenance of these roadways, both paved and graveled, includes repair and reconstruction, snow removal and grading.
The Road Agent processes and approves Driveway Permits and road opening permits, which are issued from the Road Agent's office and are available at the Town Hall offices. In addition, the Road Agent is in charge of roadside mowing of public avenues and works with the Planning Board to inspect and review construction of new roads in regards to subdivision planning to ensure compliance with town standards.
Residents are required to contact the Road Agent if they are planning any activities or excavations within the town's rights-of-way to make sure a project will not be impacted. The right-of-way extends beyond the pavement for drainage purposes and vary from road to road.