Town of Haverhill, New Hampshire


Meet your Other Elected Officials!



Evelyn "Bunny" Elms


Peter Tice

 Supervisors of the Check List

Carol Norcross          Charlene Aldrich          Regis Roy

Voting Is Your Privilege!

The Supervisor's of the Checklist meet throughout the year for work sessions that keep the Checklist up to date and in order. Haverhill works with other communities to provide the documentation that is needed when people move to or from the town.

At the present time there are approximately 2,512 registered voters on the Checklist and the Town of Haverhill hopes to see everyone use their right to vote in all elections.

The Town of Haverhill has an Annual Meeting form of Government. All residents of the town are eligible to participate. The Annual Town meeting elects town officials, sets the annual budget, adopts warrant articles for unusual expenditures, and decides on major policy issues.

Haverhill holds its Town Meeting in March every year. There are two stages of the annual meeting. In the first stage, held on the second Tuesday of March, all eligible voters may go to the polls at the James R Morrill Building and vote to elect Town and School Officials and vote on Ballot questions that set Town ordinances or policy.

The second stage is held that evening at the Haverhill Cooperative Middle School. All eligible voters may attend to vote on the town budget and warrant articles for unusual expenditures.

The School budget and warrant articles are voted on at the Annual School Meeting at a later date.

Town residents also have the opportunity to participate in state and national elections. The final election is held on the first Tuesday in November in even numbered years. It is preceded by state primary elections on the first Tuesday in September.

The New Hampshire first in the nation Presidential Primary is held every 4 years. By state law it is to be held before the Presidential primary in any other state. Because of that provision of the law the exact date cannot be predicted in advance.

 Trustees of Trust Funds

Marie Bigelow

Kristi Garofalo
Howard Hatch

Official Website of Haverhill, NH, 2975 Dartmouth College Hwy, No. Haverhill, NH 03774 603-787-6800
Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved.